Copy and Paste Scrolling Text

HTML marquee text scrolling script

Sticky Note Scripts Marquee
Simple scrolling text using the marquee tag. Although this tag is depreciated, the scrolling works with HTML5 and responsive templates and in all web browsers as well as on iPad and iPhone.

See Also…

Your scrolling message goes here. Edit this message with your text.

Green Theme: Copy and paste the following code into the body area of your HTML webpage to add the above scrolling text display.

Your scrolling message goes here. Edit this message with your text.

Blue Theme: Copy and paste the following code into the body area of your HTML webpage to add the above scrolling text display.

Your scrolling message goes here. Edit this message with your text.

With corner radius and a drop shadow: Copy and paste the following code into the body area of your HTML webpage to add the above scrolling text display.

Related Topics:
Scrolling News IFrames